Åtorps Kleine Akir S 16122/2001 A (HD-fri)

BOB on dog show
2:nd price fieldtrail


Spangkildes Enno Lord von der Innleit´n Heiko von Ottenstein
Gritta von der Innleit´n
Bonnie Ingo Vom Rehwinkel
Billerländer´s Ebba Falkentorps Yasso Irell
Falkentorps Jolly
Sprängarn´s Rosé Dé Pinot Af-Åtorps Rogstabergets Athos
Åtorps Kleine Q


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Akir at the age of 4 weeks

Akir at the age of 5 weeks

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Akir at the age of 8 weeks

Owner: Jonny Johansson, Luleå

Akir at home

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Akir at his first dogshow

At the 26/7 2003 Akir started at trail and water (open class), the result of that was 10 + 10  (10 at water + 10 trail)

This is the way it is when Akir and his owner Johnny practise

Akir on his way after the track

Akir retreives the bird

Here you have it




At morning


You dont have a chans master



OK, I give up


